The plan will put in place mandatory sensitivity training along with other implementations.

The College Fix reports.

Ithaca College rolls out sweeping diversity plan in wake of ‘People of Color’ student protests

Ithaca College administrators this week rolled out a massive diversity plan that includes mandatory sensitivity training, creating a “safe space” for multicultural students, and efforts to hire more minorities in the wake of protests by the “People of Color at Ithaca College” student activism group.

The group, POC at IC, claims their campus is culturally biased, steeped in racism and employs racist police officers – accusations based largely on four recent incidents.

The first stems from an RA-training sessions in mid-August by campus officers who said things that offended some students. One officer reportedly dismissed an RA’s concerns about racial profiling, saying it does not happen at Ithaca College, and another officer explained, at a different seminar while showing students a black BB gun, “If I saw someone with this I would shoot them,” according to the Ithacan campus newspaper.

“The comments made by the two officers during the sessions caused two RAs of color to walk out in anger and frustration,” the newspaper reported. “Multiple RAs who are also students of color said they are afraid to call Public Safety, even though it’s often part of their job. … An estimated 30 RAs [subsequently] staged a silent protest.”
