The College Fix is looking for a few good writers for Spring 2014.

Bonus — its internship actually pays!

Hear ye, hear ye – The College Fix seeks applicants for its Spring 2014 journalism internship in Washington D.C. This is an exciting and competitive opportunity to work with some of the best reporters in the nation, covering some of the most exciting beats out there.

Did we mention it’s a *paid* internship, which is better than the going rate at the White House nowadays!

Here are the details – but hurry, the application deadline is fast approaching. We will match the selected intern with an appropriate host organization. Previous fellows have worked at the Daily Caller, The Hill, Reason Magazine, the Washington Examiner, and the Weekly Standard.

How long will it last?

The internship will run for about 14 weeks, beginning sometime in January. The specific start and end dates will be determined with the intern and media organization.

What will it pay?

A stipend of $5,600.

Are there other benefits?

In addition to supplying the internship, we offer customized career advice and networking opportunities.

When is the deadline?

Applications must be received by Tuesday, Oct. 1. (The winner will be notified by mid-October).

How do I apply?

Email a brief resume, cover letter, and links to three writing samples to internships[at], subject line: Spring Internship.

Any other questions?

Contact The College Fix editorial staff.
