This could actually cause a change in the anti-free speech climate on many campuses.

Red Alert Politics reports.

Professors’ fear: Easily-offended Millennials could cost them their jobs

An over-protection of millennials minds has led to a pervasive fear on college campuses – students fear being offended and professors fear offending them.

Academic leaders at the nation’s universities view their students as “customers” whom they are unwilling to offend, writes Jonathan Cole for The Atlantic. Presidents, provosts, and professors often feel pressure to be “politically correct” and preserve “safe spaces” in order to ensure job security and the campus reputation.

Robert Hutchins, the president of the University of Chicago during the McCarthy period, experienced the same tension, stating, “The question is not how many professors have been fired for their beliefs, but how many think they might be.”

While a physically safe environment is essential to learning on college campuses, an intellectually “safe” one may not be quite as necessary.

“Education should not be intended to make people comfortable, it is made to make them think,” former University of Chicago President Hanna Holborn Gray wrote in the school’s 1967 Kalven Committee report. “Universities should be expected to provide the conditions within which hard thought, and therefore strong disagreement, independent judgment, and the questioning of stubborn assumptions, can flourish in an environment of the greatest freedom.”

Professors today are encountering more pressure than ever to walk on eggshells to avoid offending students. Rani Neutill, a former Brandeis University professor who once taught a class on sex and the cinema, told Salon that one student requested an email notification the evening before a class in which material could “set off students.” Such an email notification would now be referred to as a “trigger warning,” designed to alert students to class material that may be offensive to them. Many professors include these warnings with certain classes or with textbooks that contain sensitive or polarizing material.
