The higher ed bubble comes to another school. This time the University of Kentucky.

The Lexington Herald Leader reports.

University of Kentucky reorganization bringing 75 layoffs

The University of Kentucky will lay off up to 75 people across several departments as part of an administrative reorganization, officials announced Thursday.

The layoffs of staff members and administrators will make up $1 million out of nearly $6 million in cuts and efficiencies. The layoffs will be concentrated in administrative and academic units under Provost Tim Tracy’s office, including student affairs, undergraduate education and enrollment management. Anyone who is laid off would receive up to 90 days of pay and benefits.

In April, Tracy said the reorganization would focus on improving students’ academic success, financial stability, wellness and sense of belonging in order to meet ambitious new goals for increasing graduation rates and closing campus achievement gaps. For example, the biggest change will merge the student affairs department with the undergraduate education department.

Officials said it’s possible that some people who lose their jobs could reapply for other new positions. For example, the student psychological counseling unit will double its numbers by hiring eight more counselors.

“Job reductions are never our goal, these are people, not numbers to us,” said UK spokesman Jay Blanton. “But our board has set very aggressive goals for the institution, particularly with respect to student success and that requires a constant assessment of our resources to make sure they’re aligned with our goals.”

Sheila Brothers, a staff member on the Board of Trustees, said her “heart aches for anyone involved,” but she is convinced UK “is always looking for efficiencies to help our students do better.”
