While colleges celebrate their record-setting applicant pools, high school guidance counselors take a dimmer view.

The New York Times reports.

Greater Competition for College Places Means Higher Anxiety, Too

As the frenzied college application season draws to a close, and students across the country mull their choices, many colleges are trumpeting that it was the most selective year ever.

But high school guidance counselors and admissions experts say the heightened competition has turned the process into a anxiety-ridden numbers game.

Except for those that offer rolling admission, colleges generally mailed out the last of their acceptances for the class of 2020 by April 1. Students must respond by May 1, though since that date falls on a Sunday this year, some institutions may give a grace period until May 2. It will be weeks or more before final data is in, but admissions officers and experts say they see some preliminary trends.
