Maybe Biden isn’t the best person to take on this cause. There are a lot of photos of him with his hands on women floating around.

The Washington Examiner reports.

Biden at Oscars: ‘Take the pledge’ to stop campus sexual assault

Vice President Joe Biden urged viewers of the 88th Academy Awards to “take the pledge” to help prevent sexual assaults on college campuses.

Biden appeared at the Oscars to introduce the performance of Lady Gaga’s “Til It Happens to You,” which was featured in “The Hunting Ground,” a documentary about the alleged sexual assault crisis on American college campuses.

He entered the stage to a standing ovation from the Hollywood audience. “I’m the least qualified man here tonight,” he said above the cheers before launching into his speech.

“Despite significant progress over the last few years, too many women and men, on and off college campuses, are still victims of sexual abuse,” he said.

Biden pled with everyone in attendance and watching at home to avoid bystander apathy when sexual asault is on the line. “I will intervene in situations when consent has not or cannot been given,” he said as a general mantra.

He also addressed sexual asault victims, saying that no one should “ever feel they have to ask themselves, ‘What did I do?'”

After his speech, Lady Gaga performed the song, bringing out people with the words “Not Your Fault” written on their arms in black marker. The audience errupted in applause when she was done.
