What a perfect person to teach others about ethics.

The College Fix reports.

Stanford hosts ‘ethics’ speech by scandal-plagued former Rep. Barney Frank

Barney Frank, the former Democrat Congressman from Massachusetts whose 30-year career in politics was marked with several scandals – including male prostitution and a major role in the worst financial meltdown in recent history – gave an “ethics” lecture at Stanford University earlier this month.

Frank delivered the talk Feb. 8 as part of the prestigious university’s Center for Ethics in Society lecture series that aims to “address social and moral questions,” according to its website.

Stanford University officials rebuffed a request from The College Fix that asked whether Frank was a good representation of political ethics for students.

According to one student who attended the lecture, Frank argued in part that America’s biggest problem is “excessive inequality” and suggested the country needed to legalize drugs and cut military spending.

“Tracking how Frank’s solutions were connected to inequality was difficult, but it appears his logic was that we cannot fight inequality directly since raising taxes is a political non-starter, so we should try to fight the negative effects of inequality with spending on health care, housing, and education,” reported Stanford student Elliot Kaufman in The Stanford Review in summarizing Frank’s comments. “The problem is that we cannot afford this, so we need to cut military spending and legalize drugs. Then we’ll have the money for new programs that will mitigate inequality, making people less angry and more rational in their voting.”

Frank retired from Congress in 2013. He is known as one of the first openly gay Congressmen in the U.S.

Among Frank’s most infamous scandals, Frank paid a male prostitute for sex, a man who also worked as a prostitute from Frank’s home and whom Frank attempted to get out of minor legal troubles by using his influence as a congressman. That was in the late 1980s.
