You have to give this guy credit for one thing, he knows how to drive the left crazy.

Red Alert Politics reports.

Breitbart editor launches college scholarship for ‘disadvantaged’ white men

Milo Yiannopoulous, the editor of Breitbart Tech, has launched a college scholarship fund for “the most educationally disadvantaged group”: single white men.

Tweeting out his reasons, Yiannopoulos said that demographics have changed the playing field as far as college admissions go, and white men are falling behind.

By themselves, men of all colors make up just 43 percent of of America’s 20.5 million college students, and since 1980 women have earned the majority of bachelor’s degrees.

According to a study by Undergraduate Courses at University and College, low income white males are in the most desperate need of educational help.

Yiannopoulos tweeted that he was pleased to announce the creation of the Yiannopoulos Privilege Grant to help white men “who wish to pursue education on equal footing with female, queer and ethnic minority classmates.”

The grant will deliver 50 bursaries to white men who want to go to college and will be both means- and ability-tested.

Buzzfeed Tech’s editor gave an interview to Buzzfeed where he said that this all started out as a joke, but is truly meant to help a disadvantaged group.

“(The scholarship) started off as something that would wind up social justice warriors,” Yiannopoulos said to BuzzFeed News. “All of my very best ideas start as mischievous jokes because they will wind up the right people.”

“Young white boys do not have any advantages whatsoever and are significantly disadvantaged,” he continued. “We’re just trying to level the playing field for an underprivileged group.”
