The next Republican debate is Tuesday night on the FOX Business Network. Here’s what the college Democrats at UC Berkeley will be up to.

Pardes Seleh reports at Campus Reform.

Berkeley Dems to host ‘mass live-tweeting’ of GOP debate’s alleged racism

Student Democrats at the University of California (UC), Berkeley announced Sunday that they would be hosting a live tweeting event during next week’s Fox Business Republican debate, during which they will point out alleged racism displayed by the presidential candidates.

The event was created by a “working group” from a course called “Law Race and Public Policy,” and will be hosted at UC Berkeley’s Boalt Law School by the Cal Berkeley Democrats in collaboration with the ASUC Office of Summayah Din, a student senator who sparked controversy earlier this year by using the hashtag #Dintifada, a pun on her last name and the word “intifada,” which has associations with Palestinian terrorism.

“[W]e encourage everyone to remember that the strategic use of racism to get votes is a practice engaged in by Democrats and Republicans alike. We are centering this event around the Republican debate because of the documented history of the party using racism quite intentionally as a fundamental part of their strategy,” the event description goes on to say, referencing a link to a list of Salon magazine articles tagged with the phrase “dog whistle politics.”

“A race conscious electorate needs to be just as skeptical of Democrats as well.”

The event will feature a “mass live-tweeting campaign” targeting the “racist tropes used by the Presidential [sic] candidates and making voters more aware of how racism is being used in politics so we, as voters and members of a community, can consciously push back against it.”
