Is this what liberals are talking about when they say the game is rigged against average Americans?

Ali Meyer of the Washington Free Beacon reports.

DHS Incentivizes Employers to Hire Alien College Grads Over Native Grads

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is expanding a program that awards businesses bonuses when they hire alien college graduates over native-born graduates, according to an analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies.

The optional practical training program (OPT) awards alien college graduates a work permit to stay in the United States for 12 months. If these graduates have majored in science, technology, engineering, or math, also known as STEM fields, the graduates get an additional 17 months of work. This means alien college graduates who graduated in STEM fields would be able to stay in the United States for a total of 29 months.

The new changes DHS is proposing as part of President Obama’s executive action on immigration last November extends the program further to allow these students to stay in the United States for an additional 24 months instead of 17. This extension would allow these students to stay in the United States for a total of 36 months.

“The Obama administration proposal makes the OPT program, for recent alien college grads, even more of a catastrophe than it is already,” said David North of the Center for Immigration Studies. “The current rules give a STEM alien college grad up to 29 months of legal employment, while the proposed program would go to 36 months.”
