Some advice for current students.

The Chicago Tribune reports.

The secret to college success in three words

Several weeks ago, I came across an online essay with the provocative headline, “Is someone you love going to college? Their success depends on three words.”

I’m a sucker for advice, particularly condensed, pithy advice.

And, as it happens, two people I love are going to college. Our twins, Annie and Ben. Friday morning. Sending them off for their freshman years with three words to live by is an inviting prospect.

In the essay, writer and motivational speaker Jeff Beals suggests these: Responsibility. Authority. Accountability.

As he explains, together they amount to an exhortation to take charge of your decisions and your schedule, and to seize the numerous opportunities available on any campus to make valuable, pleasurable connections. Don’t sit back and wait for life or success to come to you.

“Be a college student with all your heart,” Beals writes. “There are some things in life that you can do half-heartedly. College is not one of them.”

Fair enough. Three good words, though I detect some overlap in “responsibility” and “accountability.”
