Some students were pretty upset about what was allegedly said.

Jennifer Kabbany of the College Fix reports.

SHOCK CLAIM: Professor vehemently denounced, attacked Christianity in humanities class

Liberty Counsel, a conservative public interest law firm, has filed a demand letter with Polk State College over a humanities class at the public institution that is reportedly so shockingly anti-Christian, you’ll have to pick your jaw up off the floor after you read about it. No, seriously.

The law firm represents a 16-year-old honors student who is dual enrolled in high school and the Florida college. Its attorneys allege the student received a bunch of Fs on assignments because she refused to go along with the professor’s severe and proactive anti-Christian views.

The counsel demands an apology for the student, as well as assurances that future humanities courses taught by Professor Lance “L.J.” Russum are “free from such unlawful discrimination.”

Here’s the details on Russum’s spring 2015 “Introduction to Humanities” course, detailed in the demand letter. Brace yourselves:

Beginning in Week 1 of the course assignments, Mr. Russum makes a claim of secular humanist orthodoxy: “What we take to be the ‘truth’ is just the retelling of the myths of early civilization. The god [sic] of Christianity/Islam/Judaism are [sic] a mixture of the god(s) myths of the Mesopotamians.” He continues: “The point of this is not to ‘bash’ any religion, we should NEVER favor one over another, they all come from the same source, HUMAN IMAGINATION . . . ”. In other words, all religions are equally “false” and must be treated accordingly. Also in Week 1, Mr. Russum introduces students to “Karl Marx” as an authority on the “the cultural attempt to build civilization” of the ancient Mesopotamians.

In Week 2, Mr. Russum introduces students to “the Epic,” including “elements of homoerotic/Friendship/Raw human sexuality” and “the use of sexuality and the role of women” in the epic.

Read more at the link below.
