According to a new Harvard poll, young voters are slipping away from the Democratic Party.

Guy Benson of Townhall.

Harvard Poll: Democrats Slip Among Young Voters

Harvard University’s Institute of Politics has released its biennial poll of young voters (aged 18-29), producing mixed results for conservatives:

(1) President Obama’s approval rating has improved to 50 percent, up from 43 percent in the fall. Forty-nine percent disapprove of the president’s job performance. Obama is underwater on the economy (-5), healthcare (-13), and ISIS (-20). He splits roughly evenly on climate change and race relations. Approval of Democrats in Congress is upside-down by nearly 20 points, while Congressional Republicans are more than 50 points in the hole among this group. A plurality (40 percent) of young voters self-identify as political independents. When pushed, they split down the middle between “liberal” and “conservative.” Many more people are willing to associate themselves with the term “conservative” than “Republican.”

(2) On the 2016 campaign:

The Democratic Party may be losing its overwhelming hold on the nation’s youngest voters – suggesting trouble holding the White House. Millennial voters, ages 18-29, are not as decidedly Democratic as when Barack Obama was on the presidential ticket, according to a new poll by the Institute on Politics at Harvard University. Today, they say they’d vote for a Democrat in 2016 by 55-40 percent over a Republican. That’s down sharply from the 66-32 percent support they gave Obama against Republican John McCain in 2008. It’s also down from the 60-37 percent support they gave Obama in 2012 against Republican Mitt Romney.
