Well, this seems perfectly fair and above board.

Dr. Susan Berry reports at Breitbart.

Rutgers Students Earn Credit for Course on Hillary, Field Trip to Clinton Global Initiative

First-year students at taxpayer-funded Rutgers University have been studying Democrat candidate for president Hillary Rodham Clinton during a one-credit course titled “A Woman for President?” The course features guest lectures from former Clinton campaign staffers and a field trip to the Clinton Global Initiative.

According to Gabriella Morrongiello, writing at Campus Reform, the class on Clinton offered at the New Jersey university is part of the discussion-based Byrne seminars, intended to help first-year students become acquainted with the college curriculum.

Rutgers Today states that the course discusses “how gender affects campaigns, media coverage and voting behaviors.”

The mostly female group of students taking the course took a field trip to the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) in New York City, an offshoot of the Clinton Foundation.

The students—who were about 10 years old when Clinton lost the Democrat primary to Barack Obama—met and posed for a photo with the former First Lady herself at CGI, which, according to its website, “convenes global leaders to create and implement innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges.”
