The framework is short on details and transparency but this is the Obama administration we’re talking about here.

FOX News reported.

Education Department releases ‘framework’ for higher-ed rating system

The Education Department released a “framework” Friday for how it will rate more than 7,000 colleges and universities across the nation.

The institutions were hoping the department would release the actual system President Obama announced last year that hopes to encourage transparency and affordability. However, the wait for the ratings system will continue.

Much of the focus is on access, affordability and outcomes — particularly the number of students completing their degree. Although graduates’ salaries would be considered, the administration said the salary-specific data would be focused on seeing if graduates are able to pay for basic needs. It does not say how each of the metrics it’s considering would be weighted, although it’s possible an institution could receive more than one rating under different categories. Schools would not be ranked.

Obama received much criticism upon the announcement of the system from the higher education community and Republicans. Critics say the system could provide a disincentive for colleges to accept students considered high-risk.

Congress does not need to approve the system, but it needs to pass legislation if it is used to parcel out financial aid.
