White, Male Cornell Hate Crime Victim Retaliates By Calling Out Campus Liberals
The most recent column by Julius Kairey at the Cornell Daily Sun does not explicitly address the smear campaign against him last month, but it does call out campus leftists as intolerant bullies:
THROWDOWN THURSDAY: The Hypocrisy of Cornell’s Political Bullies
Political bullies on campus are defined by two characteristics. First, the fervent belief that they stand for the oppressed. As long as you aren’t “privileged” (usually meaning a white, heterosexual, Christian male) they will do whatever is necessary to liberate you from the second-class status supposedly conferred upon you by America’s inherently bigoted society. Second — as far as I can tell — the zealous conviction that as long as these groups advocate for what is “just,” they do not actually have to practice what they preach. They can ask others to do as they say, not as they do.
We see the same recurring patterns. When a controversial proposal one of the groups dislikes is suggested, they decry it as “divisive” and demand that it be defeated, launching vicious attacks against its sponsor. But when a proposal in line with their views is under consideration, any disagreement with the measure serves as proof of how far the powerful will go to prevent their definition of justice from triumphing, further reinforcing their perceived need for change. In the face of an opposing point of view, these bullies insist that the view must be based on illegitimate hatred and bigotry and should therefore be silenced. Yet, they derisivelydismiss mainstream American society as racist, sexist and homophobic without feeling a moment of shame for being so condescendingly close-minded. Cornell’s bullies demand tolerance but deliver intolerance; they demand civility but provide incivility.
Last semester, we witnessed a public relations spectacle in the form of a “takeover” of Cornell’s elected Student Assembly. About 100 agitated students — which makes up less than one percent of Cornell’s student body — halted an assembly meeting to replace it with their own. They called this an example of “democracy.”
THROWDOWN THURSDAY: The Hypocrisy of Cornell’s Political Bullies (The Cornell Daily Sun)