Some people would call this indoctrination.

Paul Bois of Truth Revolt writes.

Toronto School District to Host ‘LGBTQ’ Activism Conference for Middle-Schoolers

In the school district of Toronto, legislation mandating that gender-neutral bathrooms be constructed to accommodate transgender students has served as a gateway to several new “student conferences” with the purpose of advancing LGBTQ activism to students as young as 11.

The “conferences,” sponsored by Jer’s Vision, will have much LGBTQ promotional materials for the little ones to absorb, such as workshops relating to two-spirit and LGBTQ advocacy for the secondary school students and workshops on Gay pride for middle-school students. Both teachers and students will be given “instruction” on advocating for all gender bathrooms, which will be taught by David Stocker, the teacher who successfully implemented an all-gender bathroom at a middle-school in Toronto.

According to LifeSiteNews, “a tentative schedule for this event indicates the students will take in a drag performance; be given a presentation on implementing all-gender washrooms; attend workshops on transgender, non-binary, two-spirit, and asexual identities; and learn about ‘decolonizing gender.'”
