Here’s an excerpt from Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s speech at Yale in which she responds to the Muslim student group which sought to silence her.

From the Washington Free Beacon.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali Urges Yale MSA To Refocus Energies

Despite more than 30 student organizations petitioning her appearance, Somali-American women’s rights activist and author Ayaan Hirsi Ali spoke at the William F. Buckley, Jr. Program’s “Clash of Civilizations: Islam and the West” event, during which she said the current state of Islam is in need of reform.

“You live in a time when Muslims are at a crossroads,” Ali said. “Every single day there is a headline that forces the Muslim individual to choose between his conscience and his creed.”

Ali spoke directly to the Muslim Students Association (MSA), whose representatives approached Buckley Program President Richard Lizardo and requested that Ali be disinvited. Lizardo said that was a “nonstarter.” The MSA now denies that such a request was made.

“I want to end my presentation tonight with a few questions for the Muslim students of Yale and hopefully in this age of technology, beyond,” Ali said.

“I want to ask you: Why do you find energy, resources, time, and solidarity to silence the reformers and dissidents of Islam? Why don’t you direct all that energy to expelling the preaching teacher who has infiltrated your homes, your streets, your neighborhoods, your mosques, your schools, and Muslim centers?”
