In a recent post at National Review’s Phi Beta Cons blog, Bernie Reeves writes of a conversation that took place on National Public Radio with Jimmy Carter.

University of Gomorrah

Recently, a caller to the Diane Rehm Show on NPR repeated the statistic that one in four young women is raped on American college campuses each year. Rehm’s guest, former president Jimmy Carter, actually had said sexual abuse, not rape, but neither he nor Rehm corrected the caller. Carter was plugging his new book, A Call to Action: Women, Religion, Violence and Power – touted by publisher Simon and Shuster as “an impassioned account of the human rights abuses against women and girls around the world, particularly in religious societies.”

According to Carter, the administrators of “Harvard, Yale, Emory and the University of Georgia” refuse to take action against the predation of young women on college campuses for fear of negative publicity. However, he failed to mention that victims are not prevented from reporting cases to local police, nor that a number of accusations are made by victims for revenge against a male partner, knowing that simply making a charge stains him for life.

This style of blanket condemnation is typical of left-wing utopians like Carter, as demonstrated within the context of his diatribe against men everywhere for “gross abuse,“ including genital mutilation, spousal abuse, work place discrimination, attacks on Christian preachers for not following the dictates of the Bible and the proposition that women are treated worse today than in the time of Jesus.

Read the rest at the link below.

Read the original article:
University of Gomorrah (National Review)