Over the weekend, Politico ran a piece by Benjamin Kline Hunnicut about Republicans and work.

Why Do Republicans Want Us to Work All the Time?

This week, America’s political class has been consumed by an intense, vitriolic debate over a single number: 2.5 million.’

That’s the amount by which, according to the Congressional Budget Office, President Obama’s signature health care law will effectively reduce the U.S. work force over the next decade.

The initial Republican reaction was predictable: Pundits filled the airwaves, Cassandra-like, to paint Obamacare as the ultimate job killer. Never mind that, reading the fine print, it’s clear the CBO was talking about workers voluntarily reducing their hours in response to the law—not getting laid off or seeing their shifts scaled back.

And anyway, isn’t that supposed to be a good thing?

The president’s critics, in high dudgeon, are fulminating about lay-abouts and scofflaws actually choosing to work less than what God intended, predicting a host of ills that will supposedly befall the nation, from moral turpitude to economic ruin.

The fuss will doubtless soon die down, but this bit of political theater has resurrected a very old debate about working hours, and could conceivably reawaken what I have called the forgotten American Dream. That dream has not always been just about striving to consume bigger houses, fancier clothes, faster cars. The idea that “full time” work is something foreordained and the bedrock of morality is new, mostly a product of the last century.

The fine folks at Twitchy noticed something interesting about the author’s bio:

So we know the headline in Politico Magazine is, “Why Do Republicans Want Us to Work All the Time?” But what’s this about the author’s bio?

Benjamin Kline Hunnicut is professor of leisure studies at the University of Iowa and author of The Forgotten American Dream.

Professor of leisure studies?
