It looks as if Oprah Winfrey still has the gift of bringing people together!

The Right called it new-age gobbledygook. The Left thought it was science bashing.

It seems media mogul Oprah Winfrey has not only lost her touch (does anyone watch OWN?) – but people of all stripes agree she is a spiritual nut job.

Writing in National Review, Charles C. W. Cooke described her Harvard University commencement address last week – during which she was also bestowed with an honorary doctorate – a “dose of New Age hokum.”

… Perhaps the worst thing about Winfrey’s spiel — and almost all others like it — is that it was premised on the rotten and mendacious conceit that there are never any real instances in which conflicting political prerogatives make compromise impossible. The problem with America, in this view, is never legitimate difference of opinion, and always the abstract notion of “politics.” “If only we could embrace the words on the Statue of Liberty that have welcomed generations of huddled masses to our shores . . . We can do both.”

And on the Left, influential atheist blogger Jerry Coyne, a professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolution at the University of Chicago and a Harvard alum, likened Oprah’s comments to science bashing, based on summaries of her speech from others.

According to several accounts, her talk was just a string of platitudes—but of course nearly all graduation speeches are. …

At any rate, at least one major news outlet saw this degree for what it is: a tacit endorsement of woo and antiscientific attitudes…

Indeed! What were the folks at Harvard thinking when they extended this invitation?

Poor Dr. Winfrey – lampooned by the right and the left? Well, she still has her billions.
