Swarthmore: Where Not To Send Your Kid To College
Regular College Insurrection readers have seen Swartmore College featured for its “Masturbatory Theater Club”, environmental activism, and steep tuition increases.
The school is now the focus of a piece by Rod Dreher,a senior editor at The American Conservative.
Want to know how much it costs to attend Swarthmore College for a year? $55,750. Plus, according to the college:
These are the annual charges billed by the College. Students and their parents, however, should plan for expenditures associated with books, travel, and other personal items. In addition, the College will bill for unpaid library fines, Worth Health Center fees, and other fees and fines not collected at the source.
Keep that in mind when you read about this outrage against liberal order: Swarthmore radicals taking over campus functions, and the gutless college administration doing nothing about it. As Stanley Kurtz reports:
In response to the Board takeover, the administration planned to hold open-ended “community discussions” led by students with contrasting viewpoints, so as not to “exclude or marginalize” any group. That program was quickly dismantled when radicals showed up at a planning meeting, many of them uninvited, to insist on holding “teach-ins” where their demands for transforming Swarthmore would be discussed. Student attendance must be mandatory, said the radicals. Administrators knuckled under without resistance, again leaving conservatives “excluded and marginalized.”
The radicals are demanding a massive expansion of Swarthmore’s politicized “studies” programs… The radicals also want all claims of sexual assault to be made public, thereby naming the accused before a trial even begins….
Watch this short video of the radicals’ takeover of the Board meeting, and that mob’s drowning out of a student who stood up to them. You’ll also see the spineless administrators yielding to the mob, and a priceless whine from a black student who responds to the lone student’s complaint that the mob is intimidating her (which it obviously is) by shrieking that he’s black and somebody on campus once invaded his “safe space.” Cheers all around.
Would you spend a dime to send your kid to a college whose administration allows itself to be pushed around by radicals? Would you allow your kid to take on a huge student loan burden to get a degree from such an illiberal and intolerant place? It’s insane. Here’s the video:
Swarthmore: Where Not To Send Your Kid To College (The American Conservative)