New York University is the home of the original campus “Hook-Up” Facebook page.

UC Berkeley then followed with a similar social media page.

UC Berkeley made waves with a publication that directed students to choice sites for public intimacy.

Now, as a response to the West Coast “sexual scholarship competition”, a NYU student blog directs readers to the campus Catholic Center. Scott Greer of Campus Reform has the details:

A student news blog at New York University (NYU) encouraged its readers in an article to have sex in the school’s Catholic Center.

“We spent a lot of time searching the new addition to Kimmel Center for places to sex in, mostly because we thought it would be funny to suggest that you to screw in our brand spanking-new Catholic Center,” said a March 28th article in the NYU Local.

Upon close examination, the story’s authors appeared to be unable to recommend a suitable location for students to score a “homerun” in the actual Catholic Center, but it selected a room on another floor of the Global Center for Academic and Spiritual Life building, which houses the Catholic Center.

“It turns out there’s a very super secret in-between door area in the Colloquium Room (566) on the fifth floor that is perfect for a quickie. With a study area only steps away, this location is the perfect mix of privacy and exhibition, if you’re into that sort of thing (and chances are, if you’ve read this far, you are),” the article said.

The article lists other places on campus that would work for making-out, groping, and oral sex. Graduate study rooms in the Bobst Center were picked as the ideal location for oral activities or “third base” on campus.

“[T]hese study rooms are perfect because the glass partition becomes solid wood at hip level, so no one can see the truly solid wood that’s being mouth-handled below,” it said.

Kylie Unell, a freshman at NYU, told Campus Reform she was disgusted by the article and saw it as a disgraceful promotion of harmful social behavior.

“I think it’s despicable that they are promoting a lifestyle that is really tearing down our college students,” she said. “These kids who are looking somewhere to fill the gap and they turn to college and now you have this this website… and it’s promoting this lifestyle that really doesn’t have meaning.”
