College Insurrection just took a look at CATO Institute’s question: Is A Liberal Arts Degree Worth The Cost?

Aaron Clarey, author of “Worthless – A Young Person’s Indispensable Guide to Choosing the Right Major“, basically says “no”. In fact, Clarey has an edgy and blunt video critique of many majors, as well as as degrees simply designed to create professors teaching the same material. (Warning – strong language and may not be safe for work).

The video is directed at students, in response to parent’s letters stating that their children are just not listening to their advice. In addition to outlining the economic problems associated with bad degree choices, Clarey also explains that getting an advanced degree for a subject that has no jobs market is also not a fiscally sound plan either.

It seems that both students and parents are increasingly questioning the wisdom of following certain degree programs. Instapundit’s Glenn Reynolds reports that there has been a substantial decrease in applications to MBA programs in top schools. When students can readily accrue over $100,000 in tuition loan debt, taking a long, hard look at the worth of a college degree is essential.
