We regularly chronicle stories of professors who alter historical facts to press the progressive agenda.

Now, a group of students is altering a uniquely American tradition to deride the country’s “imperialism”.

Thanksgiving is based on notions of peace, friendship, and the spirit of giving, but of course college students and professors often look at it as the perfect time to bash settlers and bemoan perceived colonial imperialism.

The latest example of that comes from the University of Virginia, where its American Indian Student Union wanted to remind people through an “anti-Thanksgiving potluck” just how evil the White Man really was, is … uh, we’re not sure what the correct tense is on that one.

The NBC news affiliate reports that:

“UVA’s American Indian Student Union … says people have a skewed idea of the history of native tribes and their association with Thanksgiving.

The anti-Thanksgiving potluck will be a chance to discuss Thanksgiving from a Native American perspective.

… In addition to the anti-Thanksgiving potluck, the student organization will also be hosting a screening of “The Only Good Indian.” … The movie looks at the past practices of Native Americans being forced to adopt white American society.

The group says it doesn’t want to make anyone feel guilty about celebrating Thanksgiving; its goal is just to help people see the holiday from a different perspective.”

We can’t wait to see what they do for Christmas.
