Steven Crowder, a comedian and FOX News contributor, breaks down the 2012 election from the standpoint of a millennial.

Yes, I am a Millennial. Unfortunately I’m a part of the “self-esteem” era, where people my age tend to be very selfish. Not only that, but I’ve been raised with a generation of people who’ve often never been taught the constitutional parameters of government nor it’s originally intended role in American society.

Certainly not in school anyway.

So when it comes to the United States government, it’s only natural for young people to want more free crap. We’ve seen this simple ideal spur an entire movement of fickle young people through the recent Occupy protests.

Enter President Obama, the king of promising #MoreFreeCrap! So it makes sense that most young people voted for him in 2008 and that many plan to do so again this November.

Listen, I love free stuff. I’m a buffet’s worst nightmare. My picture is still on the wall at the Bellagio. I don’t, however, believe that we should vote based on the ideal of #MoreFreeCrap.

That being said, there are more than enough selfish, non-idealistic reasons for young people to wake up and smell the failure of this administration before pulling the lever this November.

While Crowder takes on a number of issues, this one will be most interesting for readers of CI.

HIGHER EDUCATION: It’s true, college tuition rates have become ridiculous. Both the right and the left agree on that.  What the left doesn’t tell you, however, is that the prices have only been able to far exceed the constraints of market forces due to an exceedingly large government.

Colleges and universities across the country would potentially be leaving millions of dollars on the table if they didn’t raise prices beyond what any average American can afford. That way, the prices are deemed unaffordable for the students, and the government steps in to make up the difference. Schools are now just playing the game that Big Brother’s set up for them. So if you want college tuition prices to continue to steadily rise, big government is the way to vote.
