This story is reminiscent of the way the media covers the Tea Party vs. Occupy. When conservatives show up for a pro-liberty event, the liberal media ignores or demonizes it. When liberals show up to protest capitalism, the media puts it on the front page.

Nicole Swinford of The College Fix reports.

College newspapers ignore pro-life students’ efforts

A little more than two weeks into the national 40 Days for Life observance, and college newspapers across the nation have snubbed noses and newsprint at university students’ involvement in the cause – this despite the fact that several pro-life leaders say young people are the linchpin of the annual endeavor.

College students across America are involved in the movement, whether it’s meeting for prayer in between classes, sidewalk counseling at abortion clinics, hosting a silent vigil and the like, said Kristen Hawkins, president of Students for Life, and Shawn Carney, 40 Days for Life’s campaign director.

One might not know it by reading their campus newspaper, however, and there’s an explanation for that, the pro-life leaders said. Generally speaking, the media –even at the collegiate level – don’t buy into or promulgate the notion that young people make up much of the pro-life movement, they said.

But they do, the leaders added.

“Students are not just the future of the pro-life movement – they are the pro-life movement,”Hawkins said.

She cites a poll conducted by Students for Life this spring which found that only 45 percent of college-aged people are pro-choice, while 44 percent are pro-life, a significantly different picture than the one the public is often led to believe. As the media would have it, college students are either pro-choice or simply don’t care, she said.
