One of the themes that Republican Vice Presidential nominee Paul Ryan made in his acceptance speech this week was that the college graduates are among the hardest hit economically, because they are finding it extremely difficult to get the career-oriented starter jobs.

A new poll, conducted by Generation Opportunity (a reported non-profit/non-partisan organization), recently released data on the “Millennials” ahead of the November election.

The numbers indicate as the 2012 presidential election nears, Team Obama may find getting the “youth vote” a bit more challenging this year.  A summary of the numbers shows that:

  • 89% of young people ages 18-29 say the current state of the economy is impacting their day-to-day lives (e.g., reductions in food purchases, different entertainment choices).
  • 84% of young people ages 18-29 indicate that “key life decisions have been placed in jeopardy” (e.g., planned actions — such as starting a family — that may be delayed or not made, or not going forward on major purchases, like a home or car).
  • 83% of young people ages 18-29 say that current economic conditions have impacted their summer plans (e.g., working jobs in which there is not interest, skipping vacations).
  • 64% of young people ages 18-29 believe the availability of more quality, full-time jobs upon graduation is more important than lower student loan interest rates.

And, the scariest number for Team Obama: 76% of the Millenials plan to vote in the November Election.
