And it appears our nation’s public universities have become breeding grounds for such anti-American and un-Constitutional beliefs.

Fox News reports.

College campus protests: This is the generation that will destroy America

What in the name of John Blutarsky is happening on our university campuses?

A new survey from the Pew Research Center reveals that a shocking number of Millennials support curbing free speech.

According to their findings, 40 percent of Americans between the ages of 18 and 34 believe the government should be able to ban any speech that is offensive to minority groups.

We have apparently raised a generation of snowflakes so fragile that their psyches can’t handle offensive words or photographs or images.

It seems the only free speech this perpetually offended generation supports is speech they agree with.

And it appears our nation’s public universities have become breeding grounds for such anti-American and un-Constitutional beliefs.
