It wouldn’t be surprising to see more of this in the future.

Ashe Schow reports at the Washington Examiner.

Brown University student sues his accuser for defamation

In a rarity for campus sexual assault accusations, a Brown University student who says he was falsely accused is suing his accuser as well as his former university.

The student, referred to in court filings as John Doe, is suing Brown on the usual grounds of Title IX discrimination based on his male sex, breach of contract by the university and a denial of due process rights. Each claim has been used by other male students alleging wrongful accusation, to mixed success.

What makes this John Doe filing different is the separate lawsuit aimed at his accuser, listed as Jane Doe in court documents.

The lawsuit revolves around the events of Oct. 11, 2014, an encounter John says was consensual but Jane alleged was not. On that evening, John and Jane met at a party. John did not know whether Jane had been drinking and did not observe any behavior that would indicate she was in an impaired state, according to his lawsuit.

At some point during the party, the two began a lengthy conversation, and as the party ended, they began kissing. “The couple continued their intimate conversation and public displays of affection among a group of mutual friends in another dormitory room down the hall,” John’s complaint says. At some point Jane texted her friends that she might be about to “hook up” with John.

The two decided to go back to John’s dorm, and once there, continued kissing and touching each other on John’s bed. John says Jane was an active, willing participant who “passionately” kissed John’s neck, leaving a hickey.
