This is for a biology class.

The College Fix reports.

Vegan activists demand right to opt out of animal dissection in biology classes at GWU

A George Washington University student group has gathered more than 20,000 signatures on a petition demanding the school let students opt out of animal dissections in some biology classes.

Forcing students to “use animals in a way that the student objects to for any reason is “greatly unethical and dishonorable,” and it’s “traumatizing,” the petition reads:

We insist that all students be allowed to choose not to participate in classroom exercises that are harmful to animals, in particular, dissections. All students who are not pursuing a degree in biology and therefore are in non-major biology courses must be given the option to use humane alternatives such as virtual lab programs and must never be penalized for choosing these alternatives.

The petition was created by GW Animal Advocates, which has previously protested population controls on deer in nearby Rock Creek Park.

It’s more than an animal-welfare group, also “promoting ethical, healthy and environmentally friendly lifestyles, and helping students to understand the importance of these dietary choices.”
