Amazingly, a conservative university survived exposure to an opposing point of view. Who knew such a thing was possible?!

Jazz Shaw writes at Hot Air:

How Liberty University survived Bernie Sanders’ “unsafe space”

Earlier this week you may have heard that socialist Democrat presidential candidate Bernie Sanders traveled to Liberty University to give a speech. It was an odd fit to be sure, and the reception he received was described as featuring applause which was, largely polite rather than passionate. Some liberal outlets tried to make a big deal over the fact that a few students showed up wearing Bernie shirts and let out some loud cheers. Good for them! Never hurts to have some diversity of opinion around the campus.

But what’s truly remarkable about Sanders’ appearance at the traditionally conservative and heavily religious institution wasn’t what happened so much as what didn’t happen. Neither the faculty nor the student body sought to ban him. There was no boycott. In fact, it was business as usual for the school.
