Want to be successful in college? Might want to think about ditching these habits before they cause you trouble in the world of higher education.

USA Today reports:

8 high school habits that will fail you in college

Some of your high school habits will serve you well. However, making the assumption that they will perfectly translate to college success would be a mistake. Here are eight habits that may have worked in high school that will fail you at most colleges.

1. Starting your studying the night before a test. In college, the subject matter is typically much more complex than you were faced with in high school. As such, starting your studying the night before a test will not allow you adequate time to get questions answered, when they arise. Starting your study efforts three days before the exam is a better approach in college.

2. Studying a couple hours for a test. If you were in the habit of studying two or three hours for a test in high school, you’ll need to make a major adjustment when you get to college. My basic recommendation to students is to study for a given test for 10 hours. Yes, I did just say 10 hours. In fact, building on my comment above, start starting early enough that if 10 hours isn’t enough, you have time to do more. If you have high A’s in every class halfway through the semester, cut back and spend more time going to parties.

3. Memorizing and moving on. In high school, simply memorizing material to be able to spit it back onto paper on the test is a tried and true method of getting good results. In college, professors will ask questions to determine whether or not you truly understand the material. Straight memorization will still get you a passing grade in most cases, but will not get you an A (and probably not a B).
