I think even Joe Biden has a better claim to that title than Eric Holder.

From The CollegeFix:


Sometimes you’re just left speechless, like when this happens, via the Huffington Post:

Attorney General Eric Holder’s resignation announcement in September spurred an outpouring of mixed emotions from politicians and public figures. While Holder faced criticism for the Justice Department’s prosecution of whistleblowers and handling of white-collar crime during his six-year tenure with the Obama administration, his strong civil rights legacy may overshadow his missteps.

In an interview with HuffPost Live, Harvard University professor Henry Louis Gates lauded Holder as the “mensch” of the Obama administration, thanks to his tough stance on race issues.

“He stood up for the law, the truth of the law, the racial complexity of America. When the right wanted to turn back things like the Voting Rights Act, Eric [said] no,” Gates said. “He’s been the moral compass of Barack Obama’s administration. He’s been the race man and the point man for standing up against anti-black racism and other forms of color-based discrimination, anti-gay feelings.”
