Black conservative pundit Sonnie Johnson thinks so. It’s something I’ve always thought, too. Of course, not all of rap music’s content jives with conservative values, like the misogyny and glorification of drugs. However, rap is certainly pro-capitalist, individualist, and skeptical of government.

Taylor Walters writes for Campus Reform:

Rap is aligned with conservative principles, says pundit

Conservatives and rap artists dance to the same beat, Sonnie Johnson told students at George Washington University earlier this week.

Johnson, a political pundit, Breitbart contributor, and the founder of the website “ Change the Game” used rap songs and rhymes to convey the conservative principles espoused by hip-hop artists such as Jay-Z.

“I have to convince two totally different groups–conservatives that hate hip-hop, and a black generation of hip-hoppers that hate conservatives–that we are actually saying the same thing,” Johnson said on Tuesday.

Johnson, who often expresses her beliefs in rhyme, has developed an acronym that defines her beliefs: WWHD, which is short for “What Would Hood/Hip-Hop/History Do?”

Johnson used examples from Jay Z’s song “Justify My Thug” to compare conservative principles such as limited government, individualism, and constitutional preservation, including “ I’ll tighten my belt before I beg for help” and “I never asked for nothing I don’t demand of myself.”
