As tw0 beloved modern popes — John Paul II and John XXIII — are poised to be canonized, Loyola University student Matthew Lamb takes a look at Catholics and their role in American politics.

…[T]the Republican Party is much closer to the Catholic Church on social issues than the Democrat Party, and Catholics should vote Republican instead of Democrat.

Abortion. Abortion issues are one of the more obvious reasons why Catholics should vote for the Republican Party. Since the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973, the Republican Party platform has consistently had a pro-life plank. ..

Marriage. As the Democrats have given up defending traditional marriage, the GOP is the only major party left supporting traditional marriage. While Democrat leaders used to support traditional marriage, they have decided instead to stay in keeping with their changes-with-the-winds approach to issues: supporting gay marriage is “cool” now, so everyone must support it and those who do not are “clearly” homophobes…

School Choice. ..We know that competition works, and we know that Catholic schools support this issue. Many Catholic schools operate in areas where the only other option is a failing public school. The Jesuits, for example, operate the Cristo Rey network, building and running schools in cities like Chicago, New York, and Houston. Catholics, especially parents concerned with their public school options, should support the GOP because we will promote tax credits and school choice, like the programs seen in Louisiana and Indiana.

…Welfare. Democrats do support public welfare programs for the poor more than Republicans. However, unlike laws on marriage and abortion, Republicans’ attempts to cut welfare spending does not interfere with the Church’s mission. The Church is still free to run their own charities and social service programs. However, under Democrats like Pat Quinn in Illinois, Catholic Charities has been forced to forfeit their contract with the state to assist in adoptions: the Catholic Charities did not want to place children with gay couples due to religious concerns, and this was apparently unacceptable to Democrats. Republicans do not interfere with efforts by the Church and affiliated organizations to provide assistance to those in need, but the Democrats do when those efforts don’t conform to their idea of what is proper.

Taken together, all of the above issues demonstrate just how far the Democrats have gone from respecting the values of their Catholic supporters. Under Democrat rule, charities are forced out assisting in adoption, religious organizations are sued over objections to birth control, and millions of children are aborted. Republican principles, however, leave Catholics to freely engage in acts of charity and service under Republican principles, and their religious values are both respected and protected. The writing on the wall is clear: Catholics should vote Republican.
