The atheist group referenced in the story below is the Freedom From Religion Foundation. When will someone found the Freedom From the Freedom From Religion Foundation?

Troy may be a public university but the dorms in question were built with private funds.

The College Fix reports.

Public University’s Faith-Based Dorms Targeted by Atheist Legal Group

The Alabama Media Group reports:

Troy University’s new faith-based dorms are under fire over a possible conflict with constitutional provisions guaranteeing the separation of church and state.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation, a Wisconsin-based group dedicated to protecting the principle of church-and-state separation, said Tuesday it has received “several complaints” over the $11.8 million faith-based dormitories set to open Aug. 9. …

The public university’s new dorms are intended for students of any religion who want to incorporate faith in their collegiate experience. …

The university decided to build the dorms after polling showed  between 70 and 75 percent of Troy’s students ranked faith as important in their lives, Chancellor Jack Hawkins Jr. said last week. …

Troy’s foundational money (which paid for the dorms) is comprised of private donations, not tax dollars.
