It looks like the student government at UNC is taking its cues from Democrats in congress.

Ben Smith and Alex Thomas of the YAF blog have the story.

Student Congress Discriminates Against Gun Group on UNC Campus

CHAPEL HILL, N.C. – On March 5, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Student Congress passed a controversial bill by a hastily maneuvered procedural vote only would severely affect the Tar Heel Rifle and Pistol Club on campus by raising the requirement obtain funding for purchasing ammunition for the group from a simple majority to a 3/5 majority vote.

In the days leading up to the vote, there was speculation that the bill’s author, Rep. Austin Root, was possibly passing off his personal dislike for the group. Many of the other members of the Student Congress believed that he was discriminating against the Rifle and Pistol Club.

“It is my opinion that there was absolutely discrimination involved.  Individuals in Student Congress have openly expressed their opinions in taking a stance against Tar Heel Rifle and Pistol Club by attempting to stop the funding of ammunition and create precedent prohibiting this in the future,” Brittany Best, the Chair of the Finance Community said.

As the Tar Heel Pistol and Rifle Club’s members filed into the room where the Student Congress was meeting, an email was sent through the Congressional listserve, containing a conversation between Speaker Pro Temp Connor Brady and Mr. Root. The conversation is a heated exchange in which Mr. Root admits he is discriminating against the group.

“I do not like funding ammunition,” Root said in the Facebook exchange. After another exchange in the message, he goes on to write,”to clarify I am ok with my student fees going something that I don’t support, so long as I do not have control over it.”
