Stanford Sets up Safe Space for Students to Heal
This is the exact opposite of what the University of Chicago is doing.
FOX News reports.
Stanford sets up official ‘safe space’ where students can go to ‘heal’
While the University of Chicago works to eliminate the concept of a “safe space” from its campus, other schools are wholeheartedly embracing the concept of walling off fragile students from uncomfortable ideas.
Stanford University is creating one of the nation’s first physical “safe spaces” on campus—a room designed to help students cope with the horrors of university life, and the systemic oppression they might encounter on campus.
The room, called the “Stanford Safe Space,” will debut this school year in an unused faculty office. The “safe space” is, according to Stanford organizers, “an experiment in helping people heal,” and will feature an on-duty social worker to help Stanford’s hopelessly adrift millennials cope with feeling “marginalized.”
Stanford will also set up “discussion groups” to help students understand complicated issues like “free speech,” and “microagressions.” The school says the “safe space” will be open to anyone who needs it, including conservative students.
Stanford sets up official 'safe space' where students can go to 'heal' (FOX News)
Top 10 Reasons for Using the Safe Space.
10. “A professor said that I misspelled peaked, as in “It peaked my interest. I was so demeened and insulated.”
9. “Our assignment was to write a paragraph stating what we wanted to get from the class. I couldn’t take the presshure. I nearly collapsed from the strain. My Mommy wasn’t their, so I had to go to the saf plase.”
8. “I overhurd a white studant tell a black studant that the Sivel War was not between Meksiko and Long Island. I was so nerviss that I almost threw up. White privlege!”
7. “The professer made lots of red marks on my paper! It was a degrading ixpeeriance. Now I have a phobia.”
6. “They used the wrong mushrooms in General Tsao’s chicken! Insensitive to my feelings as a Student of Chinese origan!! It hurts. Really hurts.”
5. “The professer said that we could have only one unexcuzed absinse Unfair. Does he think that I have nothing else to do besides going to class?”
4. “The instructor used the words ‘fatted caff’. I was deeply offended at his fat shaming. Animals have feelings, too.”
3. “When I said I was going to vote for Hillary, the professir raised an eyebrow. He has turned the class into a hostile environment. I don’t know how to survive.”
2. “I asked my professor how to raise my D grade. He said, ‘Hang it from a door.’ Oh, so funny. I’m telling the Dean.”
And the number 1 reason….
1. “The sociology textbook said that a majority of black children are illegitimate, or ‘bastars.’ The man be calling us black students’ bastars.’ Bastar Lives Matter!” f%$# him!”