40 percent of millennials want her jailed.

Red Alert Politics reports.

PPP: Millennials more favorable to GOP, plurality want Hillary in prison

PPP’s latest polling clearly over-sampled Democrats, yet their results still reveal the struggles of Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party.

In the PPP poll, 52 percent of respondents voted for President Obama, while only 41 percent said they voted for Romney; this shows a skewed sample, as the 2012 race was much closer than that. Despite this, looking into PPP’s crosstabs, millennials are leaning more Republican than some may have thought.

Among ages 18 to 29, only 36 percent have a favorable view of the Democrat Party, and 47 have an unfavorable view. The low favorability number can likely be tied to young voters who were upset by how the DNC attempted to favor Hillary Clinton over millennial-favorite Bernie Sanders.
