The optics of this are terrible at a time when student debt and unemployment are big issues.

The Daily Caller reports.

Public College Head Spent Almost $200k Traveling In Luxury

The now-suspended chancellor of the University of California, Davis (UC-Davis) spent over $170,000 in school funds traveling in luxury around the globe, a new report indicates.

Linda P.B. Katehi was suspended as UC-Davis’ chancellor in April, while the school investigates claims she engaged in nepotism and improper spending during her seven-year tenure leading the school. Katehi’s original suspension wasn’t due to her travel habits, but a new analysis of her expense account usage reveals she routinely spent huge sums traveling the world for the alleged benefit of the university, often with questionable justifications.

An analysis of Katehi’s spending by The Sacramento Bee found that she took 26 international trips between December 2010 and February 2016, along with dozens of domestic out-of-state trips. Not only did Katehi travel often, but she traveled in style. On 25 separate flights, Katehi booked a first-class plane ticket, an expense she sometimes justified by saying she needed space to prepare for a presentation at her destination. Often, Katehi brought her husband along at university expense.
