This is just another glaring example of higher education being used to reinforce left wing ideology.

Campus Reform reports.

Course blames hate speech on ‘right-wing extremism’

The University of North Carolina offers a communications course about the dangers of hate speech, which the course’s professor openly blames on the political right.

The class, titled “Hate Speech” and designated by the course number COMM 624, is taught by Dr. Michael S. Waltman, who has written and co-authored several books about hate speech, including The Communication of Hate, which “examines the strategic manipulation of hatred in [Americans’] everyday lives by politicians, political operatives, and media personalities.”

According to the course catalog, the class was designed “to expose students to the nature of hate in American life . . . [that] is sustained through the imposition of racist, sexist, and heterosexist ideologies that privilege Whiteness, maleness, and heterosexuality.”

The description states that hate may “be resisted through communication” involving respect and tolerance, a term the course adopted from the Southern Poverty Law Center. Students are taught how to recognize hate so that “knowledge of the essence of hate will place students in a position to fight hate when they encounter it in their own lives.”

UNC’s Undergraduate Student Services confirmed to Campus Reform that the class has been listed on the course catalog since the spring of 2010, but may have been offered before then, since the university switched to a new online cataloging system at the start of that year. Waltman also taught an “Honors Hate Speech” course in 2008.
