PC college terminology doesn’t mean a thing to people who hate you and want to kill you.

The College Fix reports.

UC-Berkeley students and staff go politically correct, get facts wrong regarding Orlando terror

Staff and students at the University of California-Berkeley reacted to the terrorist horror in Orlando, Florida as you might expect — by making politically correct statements and getting basic facts wrong about guns in America.

Chancellor Nicholas Dirks, for example, said “Now, more than ever, we must come together to fight the forces of intolerance, strengthen the foundations of our democracy, and do what we can to eliminate the unlawful use of firearms.”

What … does that last part even mean? Terrorists and criminals by their very nature make use of firearms in an “unlawful” manner.

Student Sergio Leon, “who identifies as queer,” added that “(A gay club is) a safe space. You go there to have fun, to be yourself, to be free of all the oppressive behavior we face on a day-to-day basis.”
