The hits just keep coming for DePaul. They obviously have some free speech issues.

Campus Reform reports.

Student: DePaul prof. censored me

DePaul University’s history of censoring conservatives goes back further than the May 24 clash between conservative Breitbart journalist Milo Yiannopoulos and Black Lives Matter activists. In fact, last year a freshman student was silenced in class by his English professor, Red Alert Politics reports.

Jacob, a conservative student at DePaul, posted on Reddit about his experience during a discussion about the riots taking place in Ferguson, Missouri, his hometown.

After he expressed worry for the safety of his family, Jacob received a strongly-worded email from his professor telling him to think twice about speaking up in class again.

“I need to ask you again to take a moment before you speak up in class,” the email said, “and ask yourself if the timing seems appropriate and on topic. In terms of active listening, it is good practice to look at the person who is speaking and, if you’ll be adding to what they are saying, acknowledging and checking your understanding of what she or he just said.”

Jacob has expressed his ire over the incident.

“What I find ironic about this email,” Jacob said, “is that my English professor is saying that because of the color of my skin I need to make sure I am not shutting down the ideas or opinions of others with different skin colors and backgrounds. But that’s exactly what this email is doing to me. It’s saying that you may not speak up because you are white and I may offend someone else or discourage an open discussion. It is demanding that for the sake of ‘open discussion’ I should not be discussing.”

After receiving his professor’s email, Jacob emailed him back hoping to clarify, arguing that his “comments in class were in no way disruptive, disrespectful, or off topic at all.”
