Army Officer Reminds Bernie Supporters We Already Have a Free College Program
In the debate over free college, the military option is frequently ignored.
Red Alert Politics reports.
Army officer to Bernie Bros: Want free college? Free healthcare? Serve.
An American program exists that is 75 percent millennial and provides single-payer health care, free college, free vocational training, mortgage allowances, clothing allowances, free tax preparation services, 30 days of paid vacation per year, and eligibility for a pension until death starting at age 38.
No, we aren’t trying some bizarre Nordic experiment. We aren’t talking about some commune in Vermont.
Army Lieutenant Jeremy Stern may have won best op-ed of the year with his ironic editorial in the Wall Street Journal, “How Millennials Can Still Live Bernie’s Dream.” He points out that millions of millennials have been feeling the Bern and demand European-style socialism. Sanders has broken the record for primary youth voter turnout, even beating President Barack Obama. He did it by promising free college and a host of other government benefits.
Lieutenant Stern has a new home for these millennials who want free stuff — but they have to earn it.
For now, the Bernie-backers’ dream of grafting Scandinavian solutions onto American problems is dead.
Or is it? Despite some recent budgetary setbacks, a long-running American experiment in socialism is still going strong, and yet somehow it remains one of the country’s best-kept secrets.
The federal experiment involves 1.3 million Americans—less than 1 percent of the population, but 75 percent of the participants are themselves millennials, so Bernie’s supporters should feel right at home. Unless they feel like they’ve arrived in socialist heaven.
If you don’t get it by now, he’s talking about the U.S. military. He explains the benefits, and finished with the punchline, “Welcome to the U.S. Armed Forces, my fellow millennials. Feel the burn?”
Somehow, after watching some protests and rallies, I have a feeling some of these Bernie Bros aren’t cut out for this line of duty.
Army officer to Bernie Bros: Want free college? Free healthcare? Serve. (Red Alert Politics)