Results showed that 81% of the sample reported engaging in at least one drunkorexia behavior once in the past 3 months.

Medscape reports.

Drunkorexia: New Trend Sweeping College Campuses

A new and troubling trend in which youth deliberately do not eat and then go on to drink alcohol in excess appears to be sweeping US college campuses, new research suggests.

Known as “drunkorexia,” the practice refers to a combination of diet-related behaviors, such as food restriction, excessive exercise, or binge eating and purging, with alcohol use, lead investigator Dipali V. Rinker, PhD, research assistant professor, University of Houston, in Texas, told Medscape Medical News.

Dr Rinker’s research showed that 8 of 10 college students, many of whom were men, recently engaged in at least one behavior related to drunkorexia.
