Harvard Law Prof Suggests Treating Conservative Christians Like Nazis
It’s astounding that someone who teaches at Harvard could get away with saying something so horrible.
The Daily Signal reports.
Harvard Law Professor Says Treat Conservative Christians Like Nazis
Liberals, stop being so defensive. That’s the message of Harvard law professor Mark Tushnet in a new post at Balkinization, titled “Abandoning Defensive Crouch Liberal Constitutionalism.” The problem, according to Tushnet, is that liberals have been too defensive when it comes to advancing their agenda in the courts.
Now that President Barack Obama has reshaped the federal judiciary, liberal causes can win easily in court. And now that Justice Antonin Scalia has died, “judges no longer have to be worried about reversal by the Supreme Court if they take aggressively liberal positions.”
Tushnet blames what he calls the “culture wars” on conservatives, and he says liberals should now make conservatives pay. “The culture wars are over; they lost, we won,” he writes in italics. Tushnet claims that conservatives “had opportunities to reach a cease fire, but rejected them in favor of a scorched earth policy.”…
Tushnet explains his unwillingness to respect the rights of the “losers”: “Trying to be nice to the losers didn’t work well after the Civil War, nor after Brown. (And taking a hard line seemed to work reasonably well in Germany and Japan after 1945.)”
Ah, yes, if the “losers” of the American “culture wars” are the functional equivalent of racists and Nazis, then Tushnet’s argument works wonderfully. But if Orthodox Jews, Roman Catholics, Evangelical Christians, Latter-day Saints, faithful Muslims, and other Americans who believe that marriage is the union of a man and woman are decent members of society, maybe Tushnet should reconsider his hostility.
Harvard Law Professor Says Treat Conservative Christians Like Nazis (The Daily Signal)
Seems to me that “Tushnet” is speaking either prematurely or is even plainly wrong:if anything Conservative-Traditionalists are winning on every front.
I would suggest treating Tushnet as a brownshirt and as we all know the only way to deal with brownshirts is to splash their brains all over the sidewalk.