So, what if your top choice school is also the most expensive on your list?

Forbes reports.

25 Most Expensive Schools Worth Every Penny

Students in the class of 2020 will weigh a number of factors when choosing their colleges this spring. They’ll consider location, size, academic reputation, presence of Greek life, athletics and more before sending their deposit to their new home for the next four years. Ever present, however, as they make their final decisions, will be the total cost of attending.

Students may find that their dream school is simply more expensive than they can afford and choose an alternative option. This is a harsh reality for young people nationwide who may not fully understand what a six-figure financial commitment will look like in student loan bills.

So, what if your top choice school is also the most expensive on your list? How can you justify your choice to your parents and yourself? And, down the road, feel better about making payments on your (seemingly endless) loan bills?
