Student Accused of Cultural Appropriation Speaks Out
This is the white kid who was accosted by a black student over his dreadlocks.
He apparently agrees with the concept of cultural appropriation, he just doesn’t think it applied in this case.
The counterattack is to point out that the clothing that the accuser was wearing is an appropriation of culturally European origin clothing. In addition, she was appropriating a European language to make her accusation.
Indeed, this is where a reductio ad absurdum inevitably leads, if we take this “cultural appropriation” nonsense to its endpoint.
I suppose, in the current fascistic climate, if one enjoys listening to jazz or blues, one is similarly guilty of “appropriating” African-American music. These people are totalitarians. If it were up to them, there would be no cultural, commercial or intellectual exchanges in society. We would be living in the Dark Ages.
Or another counterattack would be that dreds represent pot culture. Then he could have pulled out a joint.