Did the money get misused?

Burlington Free Press reports.

Founder sues Burlington College, alleges misused money

The estate of one of the founders of Burlington College has sued the institution, alleging the college misused money intended for student scholarships to prop up the institution during financial troubles in recent years.

“My client acted in good faith in conveying $70,000 to the school with a fairly detailed agreement as to how the school was to handle that money, and they did something totally beyond the scope of the agreement,” said Norm Blais, who represents the estate of G. Jason Conway.

Conway, who died in 2010, bequeathed $70,000 to Burlington College as an endowment for “deserving students,” court papers state. But Marjorie Lemay, the executor of Conway’s estate, alleged in court filings that the college used the money for other purposes.

The lawsuit revives discussion of the 2014 financial scandal that college officials had hoped to leave in the past. Burlington College is 18 months through a two-year probationary period set by an accrediting agency.
